Join us in yet another installment where the goddess Permeter, lady of spring and creator of insects, bugs, bees and locusts, whom without we would have no light or warmth, tries to get back at Deep Rock Galactic (for killing her bugs) by drinking all their beer.
The beer of today is:
This issue introduces two new drinkers:
Byleif The Blitzer
The brother of Tymor. He is a half-giant that was born on the island of Lauer (whereas Tymor was born in the scorching desert). He wields thunder and lords over the floating island of Beluga. Likes adventuring, raids and sailing.
Snurre Sturluson
A priest and historian that lives on Beluga. He was sent there after years of political shenanigans on his homeland, called the Holy Sea. Now he tries to be a good shepherd for the heathens of Beluga but he is not above having a drink and indulging in their rituals.
The Engineer
The actual engineer from Deep Rock Galactic.
: Hold up. He works here. Is it really smart to invite him?
: Nae worry lads. I am off the clock and Deep Rock Galactic has denied me funds for equipment upgrades for the last time. We are doing this!
And so they started drinking.
: Mmm, this is quite good. A very smooth and natural taste. Very sweet. This is probably the best one yet!
: Wahahahaha! Almost exactly like mead. This is a great bash, brother. I would love to come again!
: Yep! And it is all thanks to the brilliant ideas of the goddess Permeter, lady of spring and creator of insects, bugs, bees and locusts, whom without we would have no light or warmth.
: My wife
: It is said if you drink this it is easier to find gold.
: It is a little to sweet for me...I say, good dwarf. What are you doing for sport up here on this space station?
: YES, a competition. Most delightful when the mead has really taken hold!
: Well, we have the barrel tossing challenge...
: Great! I will keep score.
: This beer is so sweet I'm pissing maple syrup. I can't stomach another drop.
: GAHAHAHAHA! My brother is a lightweight, just as when we were young!
*projectile vomiting*
: WAHEY, right in the hoop!
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